
  • Back To School Articles And Tweets

    This pack of 10 articles and 10 tweets will help you get your readers ready for "Back To School."

    The package includes the following articles (with one read to use tweet per article):

    • Back To School Fashion For Boys
    • Back To School Fashion For Girls
    • Back To School Make Up Trends
    • Adapt Last Year's Trends
    • Back To School Lunchbox Ideas
    • Best Back To School Apps
    • How To Find Back To School Bargains
    • Latest Back To School Accessories
    • Latest Hairstyles For Back To School
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  • Alternative Therapies Articles

    This pack of 10 articles will help you give your readers an overview of various types of alternative therapies.

    The package includes the following articles:

    • Acupressure
    • Acupuncture
    • Alexander Technique
    • Aromatherapy
    • Ayruveda Medicine
    • Bowen Technique
    • Craniosacral Therapy
    • Kinesiology
    • Reflexology
    • Reiki
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  • Children’s Health Articles

    This pack of 5 articles will help you teach your readers about children's health issues.

    The package includes the following articles:

    • Caring for Your Child When Cold and Flu Season Hits
    • Does Your Child Suffer From Chronic Ear Infections?
    • Revving Up Your Child's Immune System
    • Teach Your Child to Practice Good Dental Hygiene
    • What Nutritional Needs Does Your Child Have?
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  • Children And Pets (Articles)

    This pack of 10 articles will help you teach your readers about children & pets.

    The package includes the following articles:

    • Best First Pets
    • Perfect Pets For Small Kids
    • Perfect Pets For Teenagers
    • Best Dog Breeds For Families
    • Pets: Teaching Kids Responsibility
    • Social Benefits Of Children Owning Pets
    • Moving With Pets
    • Pet Insurance
    • Natural Remedies For Pets
    • Explaining Pet Loss To Children
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  • Alternative Birth Articles

    This pack of 10 articles will help you teach your readers about alternative birth options.

    The package includes the following articles:

    • Is Home Birth Right For You
    • Doulas
    • Birth Education Classes
    • Birthing Centers
    • Breathing And Meditation
    • Hypnosis For Childbirth
    • Prep For Natural Birth
    • Water Birth
    • Yoga Before Labor
    • Alternatives Before Intervention
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